Left column custom page. You can add any HTML content you want here.

This page displays on 3-column Bootstrap layout only.

3-column display rules (Bootstrap4):

* full-width (100%) content area.
* layout is 2/7/3 grid.
* left and middle columns display side-by-side in 768px or above width.
* left column displays under middle column below 768px width.
* right column displays under left and middle columns below 992px width.

Webcam Room

| Tue, 1 January 2013

PornCMS integrates with webcam broadcasting service PlugMyCam (also created by our development team).

PlugMyCam allows you to broadcast a one-way or two-way (cam 2 cam) webcam feed. You can have multiple rooms and also set a password for each broadcast room (allowing you to have multiple models with independent logins).

You can get a free demo account with PlugMyCam to test the system. Once you are ready to start broadcasting, upgrade to a paid account.

Our support team will install your webcam rooms free, once you have a paid account. Simply open a ticket and let us know.
