Left column custom page. You can add any HTML content you want here.

This page displays on 3-column Bootstrap layout only.

3-column display rules (Bootstrap4):

* full-width (100%) content area.
* layout is 2/7/3 grid.
* left and middle columns display side-by-side in 768px or above width.
* left column displays under middle column below 768px width.
* right column displays under left and middle columns below 992px width.

Videos - How to use File Override

| Fri, 18 May 2012

If you aren't happy with the quality or output of the FFMpeg generated videos on your site, you can upload and use your own files for some or all of the file types in PornCMS.

As an example, suppose you are happy with the downloadable videos created by 
PornCMS (wmv, ipod, avi), but you want better quality streaming mp4 files for your members to watch. In this case you would add a video item manually in CONTENT>VIDEOS and let it process in the queue. Once the video conversion is completed, you can replace the mp4 file by following the instructions below.

Here's how to do the file override:

  • create a new video item (or click edit on an existing one) in CONTENT>VIDEOS>ADD

  • if you want PornCMS to process your video before overriding any files, go to the RAW FILE tab and choose a source video.

  • once your video is processed and out of the queue (or imemdiately if you did not choose a raw file), click the 'CONVERTED FILES' tab and choose the appropriate FULL LENGTH VIDEO in the left column.
  • in the right column, go to the FILE OVERRIDE section. you are given a list of files from the upload directory with the appropriate extension. (NOTE: you must upload your file first!)

  • choose the override file and click UPDATE.


  • NEVER, NEVER, NEVER click 'reset' or 'recheck' on a video that has override files. the override files will be deleted!
  • If you plan to use the converter for clips, clip thumbs, and other versions, do that FIRST before adding any videos in the file override section (see example above). Otherwise your override files will be deleted when the video goes to the queue.
  • If you want to add a video thumbnail for a video that did not go through the Porn CMS queue, create your own thumbnail locally (like in Photoshop) and then add the thumbnail in CONTENT>THUMBNAILS
